Thursday, June 17, 2010

Testing testing...1 2 3..

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning,

Well, first of all, i decide that I want to be consistent blogger and the decision was made not because everybody (at last A LOT of my friends have blogs) have blog, but i decide that today is the right time and the right place to start it. -Congratulations to me,,, Big Claps (thank you, thank you).
I just finish my undergraduate study and alhamdulillah, I manage to finish it. While the mood is changing from studying to working, I experience a lot of changes, not only physically (padan muka makan banyak) but also in emotionally(kira sekali yang kena tipu dengan kena tipu dengan Pak Abu). Gosh, so many catch up to do, so many information to process and so many consequences of the mistake that I had done and the best part is, I did not even know where to start to make everything become good again or even better.
When u do mistake/mistakes, it takes only your best friend to point it to you. Seriously, u take the friendship to a totally different level when u try to correct ir friend mistake. When u know she do something BAD (very bad, and indeed i feel like changing to tong sampah now, don't ask why I choose tong sampah sebab i rasa suka jadi sebuah tong sampah hitam sekarang), they will tell u what u will do and later, u by Allah Willingness, show you that they did not even care about you!!!! talking to everybody else and make u sound like a loser, ( I actually said it) , and what will u do? Do not expect you are going to be happy if you are in my shoes. do not even think about it.
Well, me, I am Glad that I do stupid mistake all the time, especially now, for i see it as ujian from Allah to let me see who is the person who I can totally depend on now? Nothing to lose, but A lot to gain if I see it this way. At least I know that I am not perfect and human is bound to do mistake and I will never repeat the same mistake twice... but who knows? I am not perfect.
I guess, I kind of enjoying this blogging stuff. HAhahahaha. make me so much better and it only shows one things...I will write again soon.

P/s- I do mistake and i see it, do u?

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